
Energy is there even though you can’t see it

Everything is energy. It exists whether we can see or feel it- or not. Yet, in our culture we grew up with the belief that if I could not see or feel it, it would not exist or be real. 

But how can it be, that walking down a dark street in the middle of the night suddenly can produce a overwhelming sense of being in danger … or the intense feeling of awe holding a newborn baby in your arms. We can't see the energy of fear or love, yet most of us know it is very real.

We have also accepted smart phones as real and are transmitting sound waves, pictures—even movies from one device to another. Not to mention microwaves that cook our food even if we cannot see, taste or feel the energy waves that makes it happen. 

This makes me wonder why people struggle with believing in the powerful healing properties of healing practices.

How do we measure energy?
Energy has been measured with devices like electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram which prints your brain and heart electric rhythms since the 1920’s. Now we also have MRI's, lasers and bone stimulating devices. There are in no shortage of measuring devices!

Kirlian (aura) photography is a device that picks up the electromagnetic energy surrounding living things to visually translate auras as well as the energy from our seven chakras. Now also available as an app for your iphone for only $2.00.This is a great way for us to see that we are energy beings - each with our unique energy characteristics. 

Similarly, when we experience an energy healing therapy, such as Reiki, it is just as real and it is our bodies that act as the measuring device even if we cannot see the energy.

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