

Energy is defined as Matter times Speed of Light times Itself. According to the astrophysicists, it means if you want to know how much potential energy you contain, multiply your body weight with the speed of light times itself. 

This energy potential in a human being is a much larger force than an atomic bomb

According to Einstein, what we experience as matter, does not exist as such, but in reality is a vibrating energy:

“Concerning matter, we have all been wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibrations has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

The human body is no exception. Every cell in our bodies vibrates on a frequency, and the vibrations are influenced by the vibrations we are exposed to. 

These energies in nature applies the Principle of Synchronization: Everything is influenced by everyone. For example If a group of women are confined together for a period of time, they will start to have their monthly period at the same cycles. Also, if someone laughs a lot, the laughter will transmit to the group or the opposite if anger or pessimism flourishes, it will pull your energy down. This Principle of Synchronization rules everywhere, also at cell lever in your body. 

Reiki works with these energies to heal imbalances and improve your wellbeing.

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